
Why must I log in?

You need a user account in order to submit an application to the SüdKulturFonds. You can use your account to draft, update and then submit your application, then later on you can also do the same with your accounts. Furthermore, you can check the status of your applications or accounts at any time (draft, submitted, under consultation, approved or rejected).

Which artists can receive support?

The SüdKulturFond only supports projects involving professional artists from countries on the OECD „DAC List of ODA Recipients“. Priority is given to countries where the SDC is operating (list).

Which art forms receive support?

The SüdKulturFonds supports cultural projects of all art forms, but no contributions are given to film productions.

Which projects will SüdKulturFonds support?

Single events: Application should be submitted by the event organiser; artists appearing at events may not submit an application themselves.
Series of events: multiple eligible events over the course of a year or a season.
Festivals: one or more eligible events with multiple productions.
Tours of non-resident artists.
Production of CD’s or video clips, from complex programmes or the-matic co-productions (excluded film productions).
Residency in one of the recognized studios in Switzerland (artist in residence).

What is the procedure to present an application within the framework of the Priority Tour Promotion?

In order for your application to be treated within the framework of the Priority Tour Promotion, it is necessary to complete and upload this questionnaire (right click / save as) as a project dossier. To open and edit the pdf, you need the Acrobat Reader DC.

What are the requirements that projects and the project management must meet?

In granting contributions, priority is given to independent and convincing projects. No support can be granted to projects which have already taken place, nor to advertising or benefit events.

Successful projects must be able to provide proof of sufficient self-financing, with particular emphasis being laid on realistic and adequate revenue from tickets or sales. Applicants are encouraged to pursue funding from other sources or agencies (cities, cantons, private sponsors), but funding from other government departments is not possible if it is awarded to the same area of a project.

The applicants – be they individuals, groups or institutions – must be able to guarantee that the project will be completed professionally.

What are the deadlines for submissions?

Applications must be submitted at least four weeks before the start of the project. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Project contributions under CHF 5,000: four weeks before the start of the project at the latest

Project contributions under CHF 15,000: 31 January, 31 May, 15 November

Programme/priority contributions under CHF 25,000: 31 January

Film*-related contributions: 31 January, 31 May, 15 November

*Film-related applications over CHF 30,000 must be submitted at least two months before the start of the project and only in consultation with artlink.

Who decides on the application?

The artlink office decides on applications under CHF 5000 on an ongoing basis. Artlink reviews all other applications together with external consultants after the submission deadlines. Contributions over CHF 30'000 must also be approved by the artlink-SDC steering group.

External consultants: Albane Schlechten, Nyon (music), Ane Hebeisen, Berne (music), Anja Dirks, Basel (theater and dance), Rona Schauwecker, Zurich (film), Marina Porobic, Berne (visual arts)

When will the contributions be paid?

Funding contributions will be paid once a completed final account and final report have been presented. This should occur no longer than three months after the project has been completed.

In the case of longer projects, an application can be made for a maximum of 50% of the total sum to be paid in advance.

In the case of deficit guarantees, only the effective declared shortfall (up to and not exceeding the agreed sum) will be paid. If a project is covered by multiple deficit guarantees, the shortfall will be split pro-rata between the vari-ous deficit guarantors.

What projects have been funded so far?

You can download the list of projects supported in the previous years as pdf here:
2016: 2nd semester - 2016: 1st semester